I'm Ambitious.
During my time in high school, I phone banked for a congressional candidate's campaign—a candidate that ultimately won. I also founded a political club that organized events and discussions to raise awareness about political causes and advocate for social justice. I led an initiative, and designed a curriculum, that brought music therapy to Alzheimer’s care homes throughout the city of New York. Throughout this past fall, I have been active in the local political sphere by working with my representatives and fighting for my community's values. I plan to carry this ambition and drive for change onto the Common Council.
I'm Attentive.
I have chosen to be a part of our Appleton community year-round and will therefore be able to be attentive to your needs. As your alderperson, I am committed to being responsive to your concerns, needs, and values, and to take those into consideration as I make decisions as a part of the Common Council.
I'm Accountable.
Growing up in an age where technology has become an increasingly important part of our lives, I have gained experience being responsive and communicative. The importance of being accountable in my commitments has been consistent throughout my educational and professional life and will be a continued priority as your elected official.
More platform points coming soon!
As I develop this campaign, I'll be adding much more to this section! Stay tuned!